Our Physical Therapy Services

Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Long Covid

Neurological Rehab (Stroke, MS, Parkinson's)

Myofascial Release, Medical Massage & Cupping

Orthopedic / Joint Replacement Therapy (Pre-Surgery & Rehab)

Headaches, Concussions, & Head Injury

Walking & Balance

Aquatic Therapy

Sports & Work Injuries

Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Long Covid

Medical Massage

Often covered by insurance companies to meet your medical needs for optimal posture, muscular flexibility, and comfort. This would include advanced manual therapy.

Spinal Therapy

Treats neck pain and back pain, hoping to prevent surgery, or support your rehab if you’ve already had surgery.

Pain and Fibromyalgia

Our whole-body approach allows the treatment of both acute and chronic pain so you can enjoy life to the fullest.

Long Covid Treatment

We determine your starting point and develop a plan to improve areas that are affected to maximize your return to full function.

Neurological Rehab (Stroke, MS, Parkinson’s)

Manual Alignment

Depending on your injury history, this involves joint mobilizations, myofascial release, and muscle lengthening/loosening. Specific to your medical history and current body needs.

Neurological Rehab

Including stroke rehabilitation, head injury and concussions, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, and balance issues when needed.

Balance and Gait

Assists you with improving your walking and balance over different surfaces, to maximize safety and function. We even teach you how to get up off the floor!

Myofascial Release, Medical Massage & Cupping

Medical Massage

Often covered by insurance companies to meet your medical needs for optimal posture, muscular flexibility, and comfort. This would include advanced manual therapy.

Manual Alignment

Depending on your injury history, this involves joint mobilizations, myofascial release, and muscle lengthening/loosening. Specific to your medical history and current body needs.

Cranial Sacral

Straightening “your internal tablecloth”, covering the brain, the spinal cord, and the fascia that extends through the whole body – surrounding muscles, nerves, and organs. You are fully clothed, laying on a massage table during this gentle, hands-on technique used on the skull and spine to promote pain relief and release tension around the connective tissue network, which helps provide pain relief for headaches, neck, back, and hip pain.

Myofascial Release

Hands-on technique to release restrictions in the body-wide connective tissue network to promote good posture and optimal function – even from old injuries, by correcting postural distortion patterns. It can help with numbness and tingling from neuropathy, nerve compression, and trigger point releases, by finding and softening knots/spasms in the muscles.

Therapeutic Imagery and Dialogue / Somato Emotional Release

Learn to focus on the primary causes and promote long-term healing. This is a treatment technique helpful for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and other chronic issues.

Visceral Manipulation and Lymphatic Drainage

Specialized, advanced techniques to assist with healing and correction of body alignment and injury repair.

Orthopedic / Joint Replacement Therapy (Pre-Surgery and Rehab)

Orthopedic Pre-injury and Post-injury

Focusing on total hip replacement, total knee replacement, and total shoulder surgeries, and treatment of arthritis and joint sprains and strains.

Headaches, Concussions, and Head Injury

Manual Alignment

Depending on your injury history, this involves joint mobilizations, myofascial release, and muscle lengthening/loosening. Specific to your medical history and current body needs.

Myofascial Release

Hands-on technique to release restrictions in the body-wide connective tissue network to promote good posture and optimal function – even from old injuries, by correcting postural distortion patterns. It can help with numbness and tingling from neuropathy, nerve compression, and trigger point releases, by finding and softening knots/spasms in the muscles.

Therapeutic Imagery and Dialogue / Somato Emotional Release

Learn to focus on the primary causes and promote long-term healing. This is a treatment technique helpful for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and other chronic issues.

Functional Maintenance

Tailored approach combining exercise, alignment, home instruction, and balance to maintain independence and safety, along with maximizing your body’s ability to function.

Symptom Management and Additional Referrals

The PT will discuss the necessary steps to help you manage your symptoms, and determine if there is a need for additional medical referrals. Our extensive experience in this area will help guide you in tracking your symptoms and improvements.

Walking and Balance

Balance and Gait

Assists you with improving your walking and balance over different surfaces, to maximize safety and function. We even teach you how to get up off the floor!

Vestibular / Vertigo – Dizziness Training

We work with repositioning the ear crystals, as well as reducing cranial restrictions and improving your balance and stability.

Functional Maintenance

Tailored approach combining exercise, alignment, home instruction, and balance to maintain independence and safety, along with maximizing your body’s ability to function.

Aquatic Therapy

Aquatic Therapy

Useful to gently introduce low-impact exercise after injuries and surgeries (for strength, endurance, and balance) in a protective way by reducing the effects of gravity in a warm, therapeutic pool.

Sports or Work Injuries

Spinal Therapy

Treats neck pain and back pain, hoping to prevent surgery, or support your rehab if you’ve already had surgery.

Sports Injury Rehab

For all ages to keep you active. This includes musculoskeletal injuries such as Planter Fasciitis, strains, sprains, tendonitis.


We provide in cooperation with your Doctor, Iontophoresis for local inflammation after tendonitis.  Your doctor will write a prescription for Dexamethasone which is a common anti-inflammatory medication.

Get in Touch

(419) 578-HELP (4357)
Fax:  (419) 578-6918



Open Hours

Mon - Fri — 8:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday — Closed
Sunday — Closed

2526 N Reynolds Rd.
Toledo, Ohio 43615
United States